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Hello friends welcome back to another tech update hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is floating apps multitasking….it is formly designed and developed for experience the real mistaking on your android

It is world renowned one..it is used all in the world as per your requirement and regards..it is really experience app for you for the better experience..it is really thrilling one for you as per your choice and regulations so it is easy to convey and making it so easy and nice to maintain the quality of these services…so it really one for you…

By using this application you can open more apps at the same time in floating windows and enjoy real multitasking.. don’t leave current app for a smal task.. floating apps is the largest and the most advanced collection of floating Mini apps available on Google Play..so it is something special for you…on the verge of the best regards

It allows you to take notes or use calculator any where and any time…view email attachment without leaving email app… view multiple PDF files at the same time..open links in floating browser and view them later..so easy to know more about it …so you never be bothered about it…

We ensure highly recommended features and specifications…as per the modern scenario..so it is so easy to use it for the better experience it is a golden opportunity towards you.. don’t miss it ..for your better sense…so please be install and use it for the better experience on your device

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends welcome back to another tech update hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a glorious and advanced level of application that is “i centre iOS 5 control centre…it is absolutely designed for control centre and notification centre ios 15 MIUI control centre

It is a world renowned application which provides you a plenty of features and advantages… you can simply avail this one as per the modern technology towards the main theme..so you can access to this application for the better experience…so it is useful and ready for to take it very easy as per your wish…so it is nice to be installed and to be careful for this

This is a the super easy and instant access tool for your android phone with professional design like an apple phone to be become more fascinated and attractive to this as per the requirement for it..so it is nice to build up the variation and simple method ..it is might be done towards the right solution towards the main theme…so it is nice and authentic to develop it for the further details as you wish

Control centre iosis is developed for your android phone with easy using essential setting function and nice graphic design like apple a newst and modern Apple phone with your current android phone toward the better option and also to bulid up it for the advance level so it is useful and may longer carrier to make it so easy

By using this application key super convenient feature of i centre ios15 control centre
.so it is nice and Beauty to make it so easy and simple…so you can access to this as per the modern technology and advanced level of happiness….no one can to make it easy and instant level… you may wonder about the feature of it so very nice and authentic by clearing the hi tech quality level of happiness …

We ensure highly recommend features and advantages..also provide highly security system..no one can to make an access to this application… without your permission and consent…so please download and install it for the better experience

These are relavent information about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well…we externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after installing this application see you soon with next tech update


Convert WhatsApp Beta Version

Hello friends welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a glorious and advanced level of application that is how to change from WhatsApp to beta version… this is formely designed and developed to know and experience how to develop ideas and other scientific modus and behaviour

This is a world renowned one … which gives you a plenty of features and advantages.. you can simply aware and become more relevant to bulid up it you can simply manage it and become more fascinated and attractive by giving this one to others as per your requirement..so you can achieve it..to develop it more than attractive and inbuild one..so it is nice and authentic

In this world..you can access to the WhatsApp world …by clicking here you can access to the beta version that is known as new emerging star to the technology world…it may consider to be develop new features and advantages..you can be a simple user and managed version…it available in Play Store and related events..so you can be managed to develop it

Beta whatsapp version is used to be proclaimed and dedicated to the security system of it ..so that you.. can be more relevant and protective about this one as per your choice …it may consider and old level one so you can be more access to this as per your choice and ..so you may wonder about it so it is use for it…so it is nice and really authentic…so you May get it..so vigilant and advanced… about it..

We ensure highly recommend features and benefits so you may wonder about it..we ensure highly features and security system….so you may wonder about it..this is a awesome application…this is a golden opportunity… don’t waste it….so please download and install it….for the better experience on your WhatsApp ID ..so it is nice and authentic to be installed and follow it for the better experience

These are relavent information about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we externmaly expect your valuable feedback comments and replays after installing this application..see you soon with next tech update



Hello friends welcome back to another tech update hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is screen shot flow…it is formly designed and developed for Google drive integrated screen shot app that generates fast UX drawings…

This world renowned Application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..you will be satisfied and happy while using this application..you will get more comfortable and affordable due this application.. you can simply search it for your better experience and well being….so it is well satisfied for you…to download the use the atmosphere and happiness

Screen shot flow auto generates user flow diagrams from screen shot to help communicating an apps design with your team or to create visual instruction Guides…as per the requirement and regards of the application..so it is so nice and thrilling one to make it so happy and satisfied…to bulid up the atmosphere and happiness…so it is formly for you…

By using this application you can create a visual UX diagram to compare an actual app with it is original wireframe or to review it for improvement on a big screen with a team…so it’s is nice to develop the ideas and opportunities to find out it more beneficial and remarkable..so it is so nice to make for it to be nice to build up for the better experience

We extremely ensure highly recommended features and specifications. We also provide fascinating security system for you. No one can to make an access to your android device without your permission and consent…so it is nice and thrilling one for you…. it is a best opportunity towards you. Don’t miss this opportunity. Try your best for the better experience for it…..

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application…see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is edge card launcher ..it is formly designed and developed for open your favourite apps, contacts, actions and settings from anywhere easy and Fast..

It is World renowned Application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications.. you can access your favourite apps, contacts and settings from anywhere easy and fast…we hope you were happy and satisfied while using this application .. it may take more comfortable and beneficial for you at the moment of dedication

It allows you to use your device one handed has never been easier..edge card launcher is an overlay launcher with beautiful material design and please pleasing animations that is available one handed..so it is may absolutely wonderful moment android option to regard it so nice and beauty….it may concern about the function qualities and skills of the best regards of you.. so please be aware about it to manage it and become so sincere for it…

The attractive highlight the application is to adjust volume for music or active phone call and add app and contact shortcuts.. control media players….. turn on off bulit in flashlight..open notification shade to make it so easy and dedicated..in one handed mindset..to make it so easy and happy…. you can open switch media outputs to speakers or Bluetooth….

We extremely ensure highly recommended and necessary security system..this will more comfortable and affordable while using this application…you can never able to take it more beneficial and remarkable…so please be aware about it to establish it..this is a golden opportunity towards you.. don’t miss it .so kindly please install and use it for the better experience

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely hope your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is jumbo privacy and security..it is formly designed and developed for taking control of privacy,data….

This is a prominent application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..we hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application..you can simply take control of your data and privacy as you wish to maintain the quality and service…to make it so happy and satisfied.it is well known for all your favourite ones

By using this application you can take back control of your personal data as much as possible…stop thinking about your valuable privacy and data…it seems to be build up more convenient for your data related something…it is may wonder how it is possible to make it so easy and happy while using this application… ever wanted to delete old tweets or old Facebook posts..stop location tracking or simply secure your personal data

It allows you to protecting your online privacy and personal data getting more complicated each day… every app and website you use comes with its own privacy policy.privacy settings..it is all getting to be too much as you wish to maintain the quality and feedback to make it safe and easy of your data and privacy…to maintain the quality of the tech and relevant

We ensure highly recommended features and specifications..we also provide fascinating security features and benefits as much as possible…this is a golden opportunity before you…. don’t waste it… Please kindly install and use it for the better experience

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well and we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is EID photo frame 2021 this is formly designed and developed for making Eid Mubarak photo frames for Ramzan and bakrid frames…as per your wish

This is a best quality App which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications.. you will be satisfied and happy while using this application…. your EID Will be something special and relevant….you can enjoy it for further reference and further… you simply send the frames and related to your favourite one as you wish…to make it very easy….so it is absolutely beneficial for you

It brings you a lot of Eid Mubarak frames as you wish.. you can simply create an authentic atmosphere of happiness of EID MUBARAK…. Eid photo frame 2021 is an Eid Mubarak photo editor app with a wonderful collection of Eid Mubarak frames… you can simply decorate your photos with our EID MUBARAK frames and send wishes to your favourite one as you required

It allows you to create gallery frames photo frames for specially dedicated Day of EId MUBARAK so it is stunning and creative towards the better experience and well managed one for another special Day…Eid Mubarak is must awaiting for all the Muslims and whole Islamic people…so it VERY useful and beneficial for you…at the time of Eid Mubarak

We extremely ensure highly recommended features and specifications.. also we provide fascinating security system.. you never bothered by the application…so it is absolutely necessary application for you.. please utilise and install it for the better experience….it is a golden opportunity towards you… don’t miss it

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update