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Monthly Archives: January 2022


Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update hope you guys very well…now I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is”button Mappar remap your Keys” it is formly designed to remap hardware button to launch any app, shortcut or action..

It is a best quality App which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications…you quys Will be happy and satisfied while using this applicatio.beacuse button Mappar makes it easy to remap custom actions to your volume buttons and other hardware buttons..so it Will be so easy and friendly to use it very politely and respectfully

It allows you to remap all you want from it as a miracle and related events without any hesitation..it will avail back and recent apps Keys button..mapper can also remap buttons on many gamepads. Remotions and other pripheral devices… that’s why you can check it out what you want in its daily fresh items and other related one

Root is not required for most actions..how ever.. some require an adb command from connected pc if not rooted.. button Mapper doesn’t work when the screen is off unless your device is rooted or you run an adb command… the main highlight is you can do it absolutely without any other related services and commands… after being created an atmosphere you can access and enjoy it very much and secure…it will be an enhancing application for you in your smartphone history

We ensure highly recommend features and advantages…you guys will be protected and secure after installing this application..by this quality no one can to make an authentic access without your consent and permission…so that it may wonder after getting it so easy and simple

These are relavent informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we externmaly expect your valuable feedback, comments and suggestions after using this application.. you don’t miss it okay…see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is Ultra Lock App lock& vault… it’s formerly developed for to store photos and videos along with application lock…

It is a best quality application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..you will be satisfied and amazed after installing this application…all your photos can to store in your device and related vault with the help of your android phone..so that you can merely be happy and satisfied whether it’s real or imagined..

All of the other App lock application provides just PIN and pattern lock options to lock your apps and vault…most of the time,our friends and colleagues can guess our pin or pattern by peeping over our shoulder a few times..are your friends, colleagues can guess our pin or pattern.we provide the ultra lock app to solve your problem…

It allows also apart from pin and lock screen option, ultra Lock provides the following unique lock options,.. you can set and store all you want at any time at low cost…it is very useful and beneficial apart from another options..by just doing it ..by so many years and modified item of it…so it may allow to be confidential and privileged material rather than others

We ensure highly recommended features and security features..so that you can create this vault by simply method without any hesitation and no more delay….in this case you may avail what you want in order to make it so happy and so vigilant.. that’s why..it will be more comfortable and affordable for you on way your regardness

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update…



Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is Net block.. block internet for selected apps…it is formly designed for block and reject internet for selected apps for any purpose

It’s a best quality App which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..We hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application.. this will be a part of your life..no one can to deactivate without your permission..so it may concern as a special one for you in just type of matter..so that it will be an easy way to communicate each other with another high efficiency

Net block allows you to block apps from accessing the internet without root…. There are apps and games which may continue to access when you exited…. therefore, you should consider blocking Apps from accessing the internet to reduce your data usage, increase your privacy,save your battery as much as possible to do it very much and strong

It provides you highly recommended features that is safe and easy to use..and also it is No more root required..to develop the skills and ideas which may continue to access to the valley of experience and make it so powerful and strong on its way to make it consious and dedicated..this app Only set up a local VPN interface to be able to block the network traffic of apps without root..so, you can trust that it doesn’t connect to remote server to steal your data…

We ensure highly recommended and necessary actions and relevant security system towards you..no one can to make an access without your permission and consent..so it is very useful a d user friendly.it was developed in a manner which is very simple and secular to make it easy and dedicated

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application.. see you soon with another tech update…


Image To video converter

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that image to pdf converter..it is useful for you to convert your favourite images to pdf

It is absolutely an amazing application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..we hope you guys will be satisfied and happy while using this application…. beacuse it will enhance your confidence and trust in you as much as possible to do it very strong and healthy…you can simply convert your images in to a PDF file,free easy,and fast processing 100 percentage free Tool for you..so that you make so funny and cute

It is images to pdf converter photo editor app is an easy to use, fastest and convert multiple images files to one pdf file offline..JPG to PDF converter or PNG to PDF converter..so that you can easily move it as your concern about the quality and enlast your quality of your device

Also it allows you to compress PDF files.. reduce pdf size through compression, set the image quality..low.medium,high, original..so that you can simply create an authentic atmosphere of happiness and relaxation by converting the files to this

We ensure highly recommended features and security features. So that you will be avail any intentions to do it very much as possible for it ..so make me easy and well planned to this

These are available about above mentioned application we hope you guys got it well.we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application.. see you soon with another tech update



Helloo friends, welcome back to another tech update hope you guys fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is privacy dashboard.. it’s formerly developed and designed for getting private dashboard and related as much as possible..for you…

This is a prominent and relevant application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications .. you guys will be happy while using this application . So that it May to become normal motion detected by your android application without any additional payments..so that you can simply use it as a primitive technology to recognise what you want to make it so happy and satisfied…

Have you ever thought which apps are accessing your privacy permission without telling you..will..now you don’t have to .as privacy dashboard will keep track of that..app has simple and clear timeline view of access to location.microphobe and camera

By using this application… your life will entirely different and relevant as much possible to make it so easy and more efficient towards you.. when it gives you final decision to make it as a main theme as possible to do it as to your destiny towards you…so you will be more comfortable by getting it

We ensure highly recommended features and safety features towards you..so you can make it so vigilant and mindful of it very clearly and concisely..

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well..we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with next tech update…by