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Best video maker and magic face video creator app

Hi dears, welcome back to another technological update. Like every time today also we are going to introduce an entirely different application. But there is something special about this application. So for understanding more about the speciality of this application read this article completely.Iam definitly sure that you must want to try this application in your smartphone right now. Because the features provide by this application is entirely different and it is on trend for last few days. Do you know what is it ? Don’t worry. After read this article completely you will understand everything about this app.The name of this application is “Biugo-video maker, photo video maker, video editor  ” .

Video editor

We can also say that biugo application is an app like short video’s applications like tiktok. That means this application also have a short video feature. So you can also able to watch many awesome short video throgh this app. But actually this feature is for another purpose. Let me tell you about that. That means this application provide this feature for creating awesome videos. So the videos provided in this application is for getting a sample. If you are intrested in any types of videos, you can able to create similar videos of the selected video by you using the photos and videos in your smartphone

Make photo aliveAnimating photos is a trending topic on these days. Many people already tried this feature us. Do you know what is this feature or how it works ? This feature will help you to move any faces in photos along with selected songs. But when it become finished it can’t able to find easily about the hidden works behind that video.So in short the above mentioned magic face feature is also there in this application.

Video templates Making videos for special purpose is really a usual thing like making a birthday special video for your friends and family members. In such cases biugo application will help you.Do you know how ?This app provide many different types of video templates for different situations like
Types of videos
HotHoliLoveDanceVipBirthdayMagic faceHelloCoolFunny
These are the different types of sections of videos available in this application. Among that you must want to try the magic face feature. Because many peopel didn’t know the app where the magic face feature is available. So you can also able to share this app with your friends after use the magic face feature through this application.
Create wallpapers
You can also able to create awesome wallpapers like live wallpaper using this application within a short period of time. For that this application provide many different types of video templates. Select your appropriate template and start creating videos now.
Cut cutUsing this feature you can able to bring your photos in videos by cutting the background of your photo. This is really a new experiece. The templates for this are really attractive. 
Some other features like this are given below.
Magic skyPhoto artTempoJoker faceGlitch art
All these feature for creating different types of videos are really awesome. So you must want to try it for a new and better experience. 

Biugo video maker for pc

Currently the software of this application is not available for pc. But you can also able to use this feature in your pc. For that you can try the softwares which help to install and use android applicatons in pc. But some other softwares like this are also available for pc. You can also try such softwares for use these types of features in your pc.
How to installClick on the ” download now ” button below this post to install the biugo application in your smartphone. Post your feedback below this post after use this application.
See you soon with another technological update.


latest hide screen application

Hide smartphone’s screen while working
Hi guys, what’s up ! Are you waiting for another review of some awesome applications? If your reply is yes, you will get it today the review that you waiting for. So today we are going to add another awesome application to the list of applications that we introduced through this website.One of the important thing about this application is there is no exception in the case of the smartphone users who can install this application. Because this application is very useful one for everyone who use a smartphone. Because the features provided by this application is applicable to all types of smarrtphones.Actually this is an android application.

hide screen

Screen hiding

Do you know what is screen hiding feature ? Screen hiding is a feature which help you to  save battery very much. And you can also use this application for many other purposes. But many people are not aware about this feature and the apps that provide this type of features.So read this article complete for understand all the details and features of this app.

While you use many applications in your smartphone like games it will definitely affect the battery. That means while you play some games of high graphics the battery will drain vastly.Due to this problem you can’t able to use  your smartphone for important purposes.
This feature is also useful in many different situations.That means you can able to use this feature while downloading. For example while you download an additional file for some high graphics games like pubg and pess, the downloading will be stop when you close the smartphone. It is really a discuisting thing the download will be stop when it become nearly to complete the download.

But in the case of this app you can able to save your battery very much. Because during this time you can able to close the screen of your smartphone in an another way. 
Screen working when off
Are you excited when read this side heading ? But it is real. Like I said above you can able to off the screen while working. For example if you want to hear your favourite song and it’s more file is not there in your smartphone, what will you do ?

You want to watch it from the apps like youtube. At that time you can’t able to put your smartphone in your pocket or somewhere like that. Because at that time the touch will work and the video will be paused or cancelled. This really an irritating thing. So what can you able to do to solve this problem ?
Here is the solution for that. You can able to hide your screen while it working. So you can able to keep your smartphone anywhere like pocket. There will not happen nothing in the screen while you enable this feature.

How to hide screen ?

First of all enable all the permissions. At that time you can able to see a floating icon on the screen. This feature will be enabled when you touch on the floating icon. You can also able to remove it by holding on it and drag it to the cancel icon appear down on the screen.

Hide screen feature for pc

This feature is also available for pc. You can search for it and use after download it from some particular websites.
How to install
Click on the download now button appear on the below this post.
See you soon with another tech updates.



Hello everyone, hope you are going good. you know we introduced many different types of applications through this website. Iam definitely sure that all of our subscribers will definitely install this application after read this article completely.

Sticker maker

I think you may understand a little bit about this application while you read the name of this app. Yes, this is a sticker maker application. I think there is no need to describe more about stickers.

Sticker maker

Whatsapp and stickers

Now a days majority of the people use whatsapp in their smartphone. Whatsapp bring many new awesome updates on last year. One of the best among them is the introduction of stickers and whatsapp.
Among them all of you know about status and also stickers. But among them today iam going to describe more about stickers. Animated stickers are also available on whatsapp now.

Create normal & animated stickers

You can able to create normal and animated stickers using this application. For that first of all install this app in your smartphone using the download button.

While open the app you can able to see the new stickers on your smartphone. Below that you can able to create your own stickers. After that select either normal or animated stickers. After that select photos from your gallery, web search, text sticker and more. You can also able to see the stickers used by you in whatsapp near it.
Like i said above you can also create animated stickers.

Now a days, whatsapp users use stickers for express their emotion. There are many different types of stickers like movie related and movie dialogue stickers, emoji stickers e.t.c.
While using such stickers sometime you may think that you want to create some different types of stickers. For that you can use this app.

While creating stickers you can also able to add texts and emojis to the stickers as per your designing skills. After creating sticker packs you can able to share it with your friends using the share option.

While you select some photos for creating stickers, the background of particular photos are not suitable for sticker. So it must want to erase. For that this application also provide you a background eraser tool.

So anyway this is all about this sticker maker app. Try it and post your feedback.


Volume booster application

Hi guys, what’s up ! today iam here to introduce a very useful application for many people who own smartphone. One of the attractive thing of this application is the features of this application are very special and you cannot see this type of features before in any other applications. explain the features provided by this application is really useful to all smartphone users. But it is more suitable to to some people who are on a particular types of smartphones.
so if you are one among them you must want to read this article completely to know more about this application.
The name of this application is ” volume booster goodev “.

Volume booster feature

Do you know why you want to use this application in your smartphone ? Do you know how the features of this application will help you ? If you didn’t know more about this app, don’t worry. Read this article completely.

Smartphones having low sound quality

In the case of some particular smartphones, it have very low sound quality. This problem is usually happened in many old types of smartphones. So while you hearing a music or watching a video in such smartphones you will not feel a comfortable. It is absolutely due to the low sound quality of particular smartphone.
In such cases what will you do ? You can’t able to increase the sound technically. But using this application you can able to make a change in the sound quality of your smartphone. This feature is really an awesome one.
So read this volume booster goodev review very well.

Increase Speaker / headphone volume

You can also able to increase the volume and volume quality of speakers and headphone while it was connected to your smartphone. It will help you to watch movies and hear your favourite music.

How to install and use Volume booster application

So you may understand about the features of this app very well while you read the review of this application from above lines.
So now iam going to tell you how to install this application. First of all click on the download button appear below this post. At that time you will redirected to playstore. Install the app from there. After that open the app and adjust the boosting for the sound asper your need.
If you set the boost as zero, the boosting will be disabled and it will be on when you change the boosting from zero.
You can also able to see the boosting status like on / off from the notification bar of your smartphone.

This application is not suitable for all types of smartphones. Listening music or watching movie in high sound may bring problems for your hearing ability.

There is also a chance to get damage to your smartphone when you use this application. So install and use this app at your own risk.

See you soon with the review of another awesome app


Incoming call lock Application

Hi guys, today I am going to introduce a very useful application for all smartphone users. What’s the attractive think about this application is is the feature provided by this app is entirely different and there is not chance to use this feature by you till now. so without giving a detail introduction about let me give you a detailed review of this app.

Incoming call lock

The name of this application is “incoming call lock” . You may see and use many different types app lock applications new smartphone. All such applications are for lock the applications installed in your smartphone. But using this application you can able to set a lock for incoming calls. So we can able to consider this application as a best incoming call lock for android.

Why use this application

like I mentioned above there are many different kinds of application which provide lock feature for the apps in your smartphone. But do you ever think about an application that help you to set a lock for incoming calls ?
do you want to know why a smartphone user want to use this application ? why you use your smartphone you may receive many incoming calls and you also make many outgoing calls. Some calls among them are very important and it is discussing very confidential matters. So you can able to to secure your incoming calls by set a lock for the it using this application.

Protect the incoming calls

Imagine that you put your smartphone anywhere and go to somewhere for a particular purpose. After that an incoming call connect your smartphone and somebody picked it. If it was a very conference call all the things set by the person who called you will hear by the person who pick up the call.
But if you set a lock for incoming calls using this application, anyone can’t able pick up the incoming calls without knowing the lock that is enabled by you for the incoming calls.
You can select either pattern lock aur password as lock.
When your receive any incoming calls after enable this feature the phone number and the name of the person who called you will not appear on the screen. But you can also enable it from this application.
For an ultimate security this application also provide fingerprint unlock.

Auto disconnect

If anyone tried to attend the incoming call by applying wrong password for three times the call will be automatically disconnected. So you can able to understand that this application never allow anyone to attend the incoming calls without your permission.

How to install

for install this application in your smartphone you just want to click on the download application button below this post. Don’t forget to install and use this application and to post your feedback after use it.

See you soon with another useful application.


Whatsapp Analyser application

Hello everyone, There is very rare people who own whatsapp. The people who didn’t use whatsapp didn’t have a smartphone. But maturity people have atleast a single smartphone. So we can easily just that majority of the smartphone users are also also whatsapp users.
So today I am going to introduce an application which is really an useful one for all the people who use the social media application whatsapp.
the features of this application which help the whatsapp users are entirely different and it is also very surprising. Because you may not see this feature before. So for understanding more about this application and its awesome features read this article completely.

Whatsapp Analyser

This is the first and very important feature of this application. In short I can say about this feature is it will help you to analyse your all whatsapp chats very easily within a short period of time.

How to analyse whatsapp groups and chats

First of all open this app. At that time you can able to see an option called ” open whatsapp ” . You will be redirected to whatsapp when you click on this option.

What to do next

After redirected to whatsapp select any chats or groups. Then click on the three lines at the right side on top of the screen. After that select the more option. Select the export chat option from there. If you want to export with media or without media, select the appropriate one among them.
After that select ” chat chart ” .

Chat Summary

After selecting the chat chart app you will be redirected chat chart app. You can have to see the summary of the selected chat or group.

Whatsapp Analyser

The factors included in the chat summary of personal chats are given below.

1) Messages

2) Words

3) Letters

4) Media

5) Emojis

6) Links

7) Deleted messages

Below that you can able to see two options. They are read chats option and share summary option.
If you want to read the chats, select the read chats option. At that time you can able to see the messages sender by you and the selected person.

Whatssapp Full Chat Details

You can also able to see the complete statistics like summary of your chats here like the

1) Total messages per user

2) Total words per user

3) Total letters per user

4) Average letters per messages of each user

5) Top words in the chat

6) Top 5 words of each user

7) Total emojis per user

8) Total shared links of each user

9) Most shared links in the chat

10) Top 5 shared links of each user

11) Total messages per day of the week

12) Total messages per hour

13) Total messages per month

14) Days with the highest number of messages

15) Total message last in last few days

16) First messaged date and time of each uses

17) Last messaged date and time of each uses

18) Total deleted messages of each user

19) Total media files shared by each user

So using this app you can able to see the messages of all groups and the messages sender by each members. So you can also able to evaluate their activity in the whatsapp groups.
You can also able to check wheather they are active or inactive in groups.

Fast Message

This app also provide a feature for send direct messages to anyone who use whatsapp. For that you just want to enter the number in this app and click on the send icon. At that time you will be redirected to whatsapp and the chat of given number will be appear there. So you can easily able to send messages to them without save their number.

Anyway this app is really awesome and great useful one for everyone who use whatsapp. So try this app and post your feedback.

See you soon with another useful app.


data controller for android

Hello everyone. Welcome to the introduction of another awesome app. Today we are going to add one useful app to the list of the awesome apps that we introduced through this website.
We already introduced many different kinds and special apps through this website. Likewise this data controller app is also a special one. Because this app provide a very useful feature.

I will describe about it. So for understand more about this data controller data controller app, read this article completely.

The internet / data controller for android

The name of this app is ” Average data usage widget ” . I think you many understand a little about this app while you see the name of this app. If dodn’t, i will give you all the details about this app.
All of you are internet users. There should be data on your smartphone on everytime. Some people recharge unlimited plans to their smartphone. In such cases there should be a limited data on each day and it should be enough for internet use for sometime.

data controller for android

Who can use data controller app

Some people recharge less data to their smartphone. In such cases there is no daily limit on data. It will completed when the data expire.

This app is really an useful one for such people. That means they can able to set a limit to use internet on each day. If you set a particular data, you can easily able to understand when you use more than the setting limit.
This app also have a history. So you ca understand more about your internet usage from there.

How to control data usage

While using this app if the top bar is longer than the bottom, it is good. You can use internet after that.

But if the top bar is shorter than the bottom it is not good. In this case you want to stop using data or the data balance in your smartphone will expire.

These are the features of this app. Try this app if you want to manage your internet usage.

See you again with another tech update