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Monthly Archives: October 2021

Send self-destructing encrypted messages

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is”self desturcting text messages and files.Ramina…it is formly designed to send self desturcting encrypted messages and files to anybody…

This is a awesome and prominent application which provides you a plenty of features and advantages..you can text and send self desturcting encrypted messages and related files to anyone to your friends by using this application…you will be so amazed and so happy after using this application…no matter how you wonder about it

It is a message and file upload service..it allows you to send messages and files via a special link that can only be opened once….the main highlight of this application is it doesn’t need to be installed on the recipients device to access the message or files… your messages and related will be transmitted via this application without any more

The another highlighting feature is your all messages will be secure and protective….you want no more worries about it… the all related messages and files are securely encrypted with military grade encryption (AES 256) inside the app..once you have been uploaded to the server they are kept in the RAM temporarily.. shutting down the server would result in losing the current data for ever no more worries about it…

The main steps to operate the application:
Step 1: write secrete message and/or select fille(s) for upload
Step 2: click create secrete
Step 3 copy the link and share it with your recipient.
After completing this process you will get more advantages and advanced level features from the application…we are sure that you will be protected and secure while using this application

These are relavent and distinguished informations about above mentioned application.. We hope you guys got it well..and also We expect your valuable feedback, comments and replays after installing this application…see you soon with next tech update..by


Update Your Massage

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is”MESSAGES” it is formly designed by Google for getting messages and also text the messages to anyone who wants you..

This is a prominent and relevant application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..we are sure that you will be so amazed and happy while using this application..it is an amazing product of Google family..you will be available a lot of services of messaging and testing the messages to anyone you want..it is a simple, helpful messaging by Google forms

It allows you to meet messages,and use Google’s official app for texting (SMS,and chat (RCS). message anyone from mobile or desktop with the reliability of texting and the richness of chat.you may stay in touch with friends and family,send group texts and share your favourite pictures,GIFs,emoji, stickers, videos and audio messages

benefit for this application

Your messages stay organised… messages are automatically store into categories so you can easily find the conversations that matter most to you you also have the option to automatically delete your one time password (OTPs) 24hours after you receive them….also it gives you to chat features (RCS) with supported operator, you can to send and receive messages over wi-fi or your data network,you can see when friends are typing or when they have read your messages,share images and videos in high quality and more

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well and we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application.. see you soon with another tech update by


Icenter Control Application

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update, hope you all fine… today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is i center ios15 control centre&I Noty ios15..it is formly developed designed for using your android phone with professional design like an apple phone

It’s a well known application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications..you will be satisfied and happy after getting this application.. your smartphone and android device will be like professional apple phone…you can enjoy all the features and benefits of I phone by using this application….you will be more comfortable and affordable for releasing the distinguished benefits and relevant informations..

It allows you to get more advanced features and advantages of Apple iPhone and ioc..you will be avail with easy using essential settings functions and nice graphic design like apple home..you can have an experience of using a newest and modern apple phone with your current android phone..no more worries about getting this awesome opportunity for designing your smartphone like a android I phone

Prominent features and advantages

  • You will avail instance access to music player, camera, flash, calculator,rotate screen, wifi,data..
  • Your screen brightness and other settings is now all possible with control centre ios15
  • You will also avail instance access to notification alert, clear, reply possible with notification centre like iOS15
  • Super easy using; swipe up to down from top right to see control centre
  • Music app settings& control form control centre iOS 15
    *Control also bring you instant access to any app in your smartphone

We are sure that you will get the best quality assurance and security from us..We are alert to assist you at any time at any where..you have no more worries about it you will get more relaxation from us…by using this application

These are available informations about above mentioned application.we hope you guys got it and we also extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and suggestions after using this application…see you soon with another tech update.. by


Schedule SMS Auto Reply Test

Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update, hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is “Do it later.. schedule SMS, auto reply Text,whats.. it is formly developed for helping you for Auto send, schedule, reply Text for SMS,E mail and social messaging apps

It is a prominent and well renowned Application which provides you a lot of advanced features and advantages… we are sure that it is absolutely a necessary application for you…you guys will amazed and happy while using this application ..it is a auto send, schedule, reply Text messages for SMS,E mail & social messaging apps.. you can simply create an authentic atmosphere of happiness in your smartphone

By using this application you can use Do it later to send mass Text messages (bulk sender),set reminders,or you can create a fake incoming call… even if your messaging app already supports automated text functional,do it later can benefit you with many additional features…you will be satisfied and amazed

The processing auto send text messages Will make you a feel more comfortable.scheduled send text messages to recipients automatically at a later time… scheduled time can be exact or within a Time range…..you will also avail mass Text messaging (bullk sender) send a single message to multiple recipients..the app supports many variables like (Name.location ) to help you send different messages content for each recipient..
You will avail to count down before sending.. also they give you a chance to cancel it

It is a trustable Application and well renowned Application for you.. you will get the best quality features while using this application… you may wonder by seeing the distinguished miracles filled in the background and experience

These are available informations about above mentioned application..we hope you guys got it well.. we extremely expect your valuable reply feedback and comments after using this application…see you soon with another tech update…



Hello guys, welcome back to another tech update..now I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant application that is”short cut maker”. it’s formerly developed for creating shortcuts for anything you want..and you can simply add that one to homescreen..

This is a best quality App which provides you a lot of advanced features and advantages for you.we are sure that you will be so amazed and happy while you using this application. because it gives you shortcuts of anything you want to copy and add to homescreen…the expert panel of application are updating always for betterment of making this more comfortable and affordable

By using this application you can simply create shortcuts on android home screen for anything you want from your android.after creating the shortcuts you can also use it to launch an activity from installed Application. after completion of this procedure you will get a distinguished App to restore and create the best quality short cut application

Activities of the application

  • Create shortcut of installed apps and activities
  • Folder and files: create shortcut of folder and files from internal storage
  • Intents: create shortcut of android system intents along with the default App
  • Quick settings: create shortcut to quickly change your system settings
  • Website: shortcut for your favourite website
    User requested: features that are requested by users

This application helps you to become more satisfied and happy..it is a necessary application in our current situation.. All are engaged with their own responsibilities and duties..they have no more enough time to create an authentic atmosphere of happiness in their android device…but while using this application you may avail more comfortable and affordable time for your happiness and relaxation

These are relevant informations about above mentioned application.. we are sure that you guys got it well..and also we extremely expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with next tech update…


Community Call Blocker application

Hello guys, welcome back to another tech update… hope you all fine… here I introduce you a distinguished and relevant application that”stop calling me.community call blocker”it is formly designed and developed for blocking unwanted calls using community database or black list

This is a best quality App and awesome application which provides a plenty of advanced features and specifications…we are sure that you will be satisfied and amazed by using this application.. you guys don’t want to worry about anything…this application will help you to block unwanted calls and related seamless

You may wonder by knowing about it..it is an easy way to block unwanted calls using community database, you can block any calls using it…. there is no need to waste time or wake up from unwanted calls with advertisement., collectors،banks and other”spam”related..

The prominent features and advantages

  • It allows you flexible blocking settings (by community database, schedule, blacklist,mask and others)
  • You will get the ability to create various sets settings..
    *You can also seperate rules for SIM cards
  • It shows you about using feedback
  • The main highlight is it stands in simple and convenient surface… that is why you will be able to make an atmosphere of happiness and relaxation

We are sure that it is absolutely necessary application for blocking unwanted calls…by using this application you can save your valuable time and manage your device’s battery system and related in highly protected condition… you guys don’t have to worry…we are with you to help you with it in any time at any mode

These are available informations about above mentioned application…we hope you guys got it well.and also we expect your valuable reply, feedback and suggestions after using this application…see you soon with another tech update



Hello friends, welcome back to another tech update.. hope you all fine.. today I am going to introduce a distinguished and relevant website that is “VIRUSTOTAL” it is formly developed for finding any virus worms in in your applications and softwares..

It is a world wide renowned Application which provides you a plenty of advanced features and specifications….we are sure that you will be absolutely satisfied and amazed by getting this application..it will inform you automatically when any virus detected in your device…you guys don’t want any more worries about your phone security and privacy

It is highly recommended website for you..and it is absolutely an necessary website.. you will be so amazed about your phone security system and related protected matters…you guys don’t worry about security system and protection terms…your smartphone will be safe and secure while you are using it

It will alert you automatically when detect any problems and any virus problems.. after that you can simply manage your phone system by making more comfortable and affordable for you betterment and more usages..no one can to enter to your system without your consent….all are secured and well maintained…you guys don’t want any more worries

It allows you to make access to the amazing World of virusless world…by entering to this website… you will agree to our terms of service and privacy policy…and to the sharing of your sample submission with security community.. please do not submit any personal informations..viral total is not responsible for the contents of your submission….

These are available informations about above mentioned application…we hope you guys got it well.and also we expect your valuable reply, feedback and comments after using this application..see you soon with another tech update…