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Daily Archives: May 14, 2021

Notification History Log

Hello, welcome back to another tech update of our website. Like every time today also we are going to introduce a very useful application for you. Like all other application that will reduced through this website this application is really an useful one.
so read this article completely to understand more details about this application.

Active Notification history

All of us are smartphone users. Why we use smartphone we must use many different types of applications in it. Different types of application have different types of features. Social media applications are also included in the app list of your smartphone. Social media applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Instagram, messenger are the most used application by each and every smartphone user. Smartphone user can’t able to live without social media applications.
So why we use social media applications we receive many notifications of messages on each day.

Notification History

We can’t able to lose them. Once you lose them we can also able to see it by open the application. this recovery option is only available in the place of social media applications and such types of applications.

different types of applications in our smartphone. And we also receive important messages from them. but if you accidentally remove it from the notification bar you cant able to recover it.

Many smartphone users clear the notification bar occasionally. We all know that if there is bulk of notification in the notification bar of interior type of smartphones, the speed of the smartphone will be reduced. That’s why many people clear the notification occasionally.

Why you do like that without reading notifications properly you may lose many important notifications from any application.

How to recover cleared notification

I’m definitely sure that this is one of the most important question as that every smartphone user have. My answer for this is,there is a solution for that. This application will help you for that.
that means by using the application that we are going to introduce today you can able to to easily recover the notification that you clear from your notification bar any time after install this application.
Once you install this application it begin to recover the notification that you receive from each and every application that you use in your smartphone. Like i mentioned about you can also consider this application as notification history log for WhatsApp other such social media applications

In short we can able to say that there no worries if you clear the notification accidentally without understanding that there is some important notification among them.

How to use this notification history application

The name of this application is ‘ Notification history log application ‘ . First of all install this application from the ‘ download now ‘ button appear below this post. After that open the application and provide necessary permissions. If you complete all these steps, this application will be going to recover the notifications received your smartphone. Notification history log for WhatsApp and other social media applications are also really useful. That means from there maybe you can able to see the the deleted messages. if any of your friends or family members send a message to you and delete it after sometime, maybe you can able to see the message sent by them to you.

Anyway this is all about this application. If you want to know more about this application install it now itself. Don’t forget to to post your user experience and feedback.

See you soon with another take update