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keep and eye on your loved ones

Now a days,different types of smartphones are released day by day.That means more number of people interested in smartphones.We can say that almost all the people of the world have at least a single smartphone.And the another important thing is,now the children and students are also use the smartphone.So when a parent buy a smartphone for his son or daughter,it is essential to monitor his child’s smartphone usage.Now a days,there are so many applications are available for this purpose.So today I would like to introduce an application that will help the parents to track the smartphone usage of their children.

Actually this is a website.The name of this website is ‘CLEVGUARD’.You can also able to download the KIDSGUARD application from this website.This application is not like other monitoring application or parental control applications.This application provide you many attractive features that will help the parents to monitor the smartphone usage of their children.This is not a free application.You can able to install this application after a payment from the clevguard website.

By using this application,one can able to track all the detials of the target device very easily.That means if a parent install this application in his son’s or daughter’s smartphone,he can able to see all the things occurred in their smartphone.It include,call details,using of all applications like social media applications like whats app,Instagram and messenger and some other applications like telegram,snap chat,tinder,we chat,viber,line e.t.c.You can also able to see the WIFI status of the target device.While you monitor the smartphone activities of the target device,you can also able to take screenshot and see the contacts ,call logs,photos and videos in gallery of the target device.

This application have some other attractive features also.That means,you can also able to see the browsing history of the target device.And you can also able to track the location of the target device.So you can able to understand the places that visit by the target device holder.

For install this application in any smartphone,you need that smartphone just for a five minutes.Then only you can install this application in the target device.After install this application in a smartphone,the icon of this application will be disappeared from the app list of the target device.So anyone other than you can’t able to recognize the presence of this application in the target device.Now i will describe the method to install this application in the target device.

For that,first of all log in into your kids guard pro account and read through the setup wizard on ‘www.clevguard.com’.After that head to the target device and download kidsguard application from the website ‘www.clevguard.net’.After that follow the easy instructions to install and configure kidsguard pro application.Finally verify the setup on ‘www.clevguard.com’ and start monitoring the target device.

If you want to monitor an iPhone or iPad,log into your kids guard account and complete the purchase on ‘www.clevgurad.com’and follow the instructions to enter the i cloud credentials and verify the account.After that start monitoring iPhone or iPad from kids guard pro’s online portal.

So these are the steps to install this application in an Android and iPhone smartphones.If you want to monitor the smartphone activities of your children,i recommend you to install this application.

language voice translator

language voice translator

Hi friends,today i would like to introduce an awesome application for you.The name of the application is ‘WHATSVOICE:VOICE TRANSLATOR&TYPING’.This application is. a very useful one for all social media application users like whats app.

We may chat with many people through whats app. When we chat with our friends and relatives,we use our common language for chatting.But in some cases,we want to chat with some people who live in another country.Now a days,English is the official language of many countries.But,when we look to some countries,we can able to see that,the language of their country is not English and sometime,some people in that country didn’t know English.

In the counties like India,there are several languages.At that time,if anybody didn’t know the language of his neighbor state,he can’t able to talk with him directly or through social media applications like whats app.

But this application will help you to solve the problem.By using this application,you can able to chat with the people of any country very easily and comfortably.One of the important and attractive feature of this application is,you can able to chat with the foreigners as a person of their country or a person who know their language very well and can able to speak their language fluently.

After install this application,open it and have necessary permissions.After that select your language and the language which you want to translate your language to the particular language.After complete all these things,open your whats app and open any chat of any people who use other language.After that you can able to see a floating icon on your screen.Touch on it and speak anything in your language that you want to chat with your foreign friend.At that time,the message (you said in your language) will appear on your screen in your friend’s language.

By using this application,you can able to chat with any people of any country.It doesn’t matter that which language did they use to communicate and for other purposes like reading and writing.So if you want to chat with your foreign friends in their own language,i recommend you to install this application.


Font style application free download

Font style

Font style,today i would like to introduce an outstanding application for you.This application is really a helpful one for all smartphone users.The name of the application is ‘STYLISH TEXT’.When you see the name of the application,you can able to understand that this application is related to Text.That is right.Using this application,you can able to type anything very beautifully.

This application is a well suitable one especially for all social media users like whats app and messenger.When you use these type of social media applications,majority of the people use their default keyboard for typing.At that time,there will not anything special attraction for that words or message.But when we send a message to anyone or to our friends in beautiful and attractive letters,it will attract our friends to read the message.That’s why I said that,this application is a well suitable one for all social media users.

There are so many this type of applications in play store.But this application is not like such type of applications.This application have so many other attractive and useful features.This application have a floating icon feature.That will help you to open the application very fastly. That means,if you use whats app and you want to send a message to your friend by using the font styles of this application,you doesn’t need to close the whats app and open this application.

Just touch on the floating icon of this application and change the styles of letters and numbers.There is many different types of styles are available in this application.So you can able to select the most attractive one as per your wish.You can also able to enter to the settings of this application for customization purpose.And one of the important thing is,the floating icon of this icon is work well on all applications.

You can also able to acquire many other beautiful ideas by unlocking premium font styles.In this application,you can also able to create a new style by open the ‘style’ option and tap on the ‘+’ icon.This is one of the best feature of this application.You can also able to change the theme and other settings for a better use of this application.

So anyway,this is a best application for everyone who would like to make their letters more beautiful.If you want to make your letters more attractive one,i recommend you to install this application.


We introduce a number of applications on our website. Use it only at your own risk. Neither our searchjobz.com website will be liable for any adverse events caused by this.



We are all whats app users.sometime,we may try to WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER usage of our friends. But we can’t able to do it. For this purpose,there are so many applications in play store. But majority of them will not work properly.But using this application. You can able to track the whats app usage of anyone. I am sure that this application is really a helpful one. For all who would like to track the whats app usage of their friends and family members.

Using this application you can able to track the whats app usage of anybody very easily within a short period of time. You doesn’t want to take the smartphone which you would like to track. If you are a user of this application. You just need the phone number of the target person to track and you can able track his/her whats app usage very easily.


After install this application. Just select your country code and enter the phone number which you want to track.If you done all these steps successfully. You will get a notification when the target person will come online and go offline. That means you can also able to understand that,how much time his/her spend their time in whats app daily.

WHATS APP ONLINE TRACKER is a very useful one for parents. Because using this application,they can able to understand about the whats app usage of their children very easily. The method of working og this application is very simple and it’s features are outstanding one. So anyone who have a smartphone can able to use this application.
Iam sure that,this application will provide you a different experience in the world of whats app tracking. So i recommend you to install this application
