Hi friends,today i would like to introduce a very useful application for you.The outstanding features of this application will attract you to install this application in your smartphone.Iam sure that this application is really a helpfull one for all smartphone users.The name of this application is ‘ROTATION LOCK BUBBLE’.
When you use your smartphone,sometimes you will enable the screen rotation.When you enable this feature in your smartphone,the screen will be rotate when you tilt the smartphone.This feature is really a useful one in a smartphone.But sometimes it will be a disturbance to the smooth running of some applications.That is if you see a video in your smartphone by enable the screen rotation,The screen will be automatically rotated when you tilt the smartphone atleast for a single time.At that time we can’t able to view and enjoy the video very well.
Iam definitely sure that majority smartphone users must faced this problem atleast for a single time.So today onwards this problem will be solved.For that this application will help you.That’s why I said that this application is really a useful one for all smartphone users.Now i will describe how to use this application in your smartphone.
First of all install this application in your smartphone.After that open the application and give necessary permissions if needed.If you are a user of this application,you can able to change the orientation of your smartphone’s screen when needed.After install this application,if you want to tilt the screen,a bubble will appear on the screen when you tilt the smartphone and you can able to tilt by a single tap on the bubble.
You can also able to select different rotation modes like ‘no rotation is possible,the bubble appears to allow the rotation and the rotation is automatic’.By using these features,you can able to select any mode among these three modes to the applications.You can also able to change the colour and design of the bubble.
Anyway,this application will help you to use your smartphone comfortably and avoid the disturbance due to the automatic screen rotation.If you want to avoid the disturbance due to the automatic screen rotation,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.