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Monthly Archives: September 2020


Hi friends,today iam going to introduce a very interesting app for you. The app which iam going to introduce friday is a sharing app. That means by using this app you can able to share the files from your smartphone to other smartphone.

You know that the file sharing app like xender were banned in India.So many people are totally get confused and they can’t able to use the app like sender for no more.

The name of the app is “feem v4”.The main aim of this app is you can able to share files offline.This method is a very useful and essential one. Because sometimes you want to share some important files of high size to your friends. At that time if you select an online option for that it may be consume high data and it will take more time.

But instead of that if you select an offline app like this you can able to share files offline and within a short time. That’s why I recommend you this app for offline sharing option.
The working method of this app is very simple. First of all you need to install feem v4 app in the device which you want to send the files. After opening it ensure that all the devices are connected to your wifi network.
After completing connection process you can able to share files easily and fastly.

If you are searching for an offline file sharing app in the absence of xender or
if you need a new offline file sharing app which is better than the existing app in your smartphone,i recommend you to install this app in your smartphone.


Money Earning Application

Today iam going to introduce a Money Earning Application.This is not an editing app or something like that.If you learn more about this app you will really get surprised and you will definitely install this app in your smartphone.

 Money Earning Application

The name of the app is “earnkaro”. Actually this is a money earning application.But the difference between this app and other money warning apps is by using this app you can able to earn money without making any type of investment. And also you doesn’t need to reffer anyone into this app.
So by doing a simple task you can simply able to earn a lot of money.I will explain it in detail.

Now a days,majority of the people who own a smartphone use online shopping websites or pls for purchasing different types of products.Because online shopping platform provide many attractive offers and discounts. Like that there are many important uses for online shopping platform.
As you all know there are many shopping apos and websites are available now like amazon,flipkart,ajio,myntra e.t.c. While you purchasing any type of products from such file of online shopping platform,you doesn’t get any extra reward or a big profit.

But if you are an user of this app you can able to earn a lot of money with the help of online shopping platforms.
Like I mentioned above mang people including your family members and friends also buy products from online shopping platforms.

So if they buy any products from such platforms by using your link created from this app,you will get it’s commision and it will be credited into your bank account very easily. For that you just need to create a profit link from this app and send it to your friends or others and tell them to buy the products through your link.
If you want to make money very easily through reselling,i recommend you to install this app.

Click Here To Install This App

Whatsapp Call Recording App

Hi guys,today iam going to introduce a Whatsapp Call Recording App. The name of the app and it’s function is almost same. The name of the app is “call recorder for whatsapp”.
Iam definitely sure that you may understand the feature of this app when you see the name of the app.

Whatsapp Call Recording
Now a days,majority of the people use whatsapp for cha with their friends and others. We can say that whatsapp is a very essential part of our life today.
Whatsapp also also have the calling features like audio calling and video calling. And also many people use whatsapp for both audio and video calls.
The benefit of whatsapp call is you doesn’t need balance in your smartphone. If you are connected with a wifi,you can able to make a whatsapp audio or video call very easily.

how to Whatsapp Call Recording

So now a days,many people use whatsapp for official matters also. Due to that people also make official calls through whatsapp.
If you want to see or hear particular call,what will you do? I think majority if the readers know how to Whatsapp Call Recording common call with the help of tue default feature of your smartphone or with the help of some external apps.
But using this app you can able to record the whatsapp calls very easily.I think you may not familiar with this feature.

By using this app you can able to record your whatsapp calls automatically. If you enable this feature whenever you attend or make a whatsapp call,it will be automatically recorded into this app.
This app also provide you a better audio quality.So you can able to hear the recorded call with a better quality.
Anyway this is a better app for recording whatsapp calls. Install this app if you want to use particular feature.


Super Music Player

Hi guys,today iam going to introduce a Super Music Player for you and iam definitely sure that this is one of the best music player app that you ever seen and use in your smartphone.
While we choose a music player app for our smartphone,we consider many things like it’s features and also we compare particular app with our default music player app.

Super Music Player
So today iam going to introduce an Super Music Player app for you.And also this app contain almost every features with some extra ordinary features which you expected from a music player app.
The name of this app is “nyx music player”.

Now let’s talk about the features of this app.
This Super Music Player is coming with an attractive interface.
While we consider the basic features of this app,it’s almost same with the other music player apps.But like I said above this app also contain some other features and they are

Super Music Player features

Nice and smooth, but faulty. When I add multiple songs to a playlist, it crashes straightaway. The natural sound option is the best functionality this app can offer,Few things were missing since its a new app, but I requested the developers and they added all the fearures immediately. WOW! They are really working on this App. Some people give low rating which is sad, they are inconsiderate.

*Req feature

Among this you can able to enable and use more useful features by using the req feature.
In the case if settings of this app,it contain the features like theme,accent, visualizer,style,manage tab e.t.c.
This app also contain the 3D audio feature.So anyway this is a very useful music player app.Of you are searching for this type of features,install and use this app in your smartphone.


Gboard Google Keyboard

Hi friends,today iam going to introduce a keyboard app for you.The name of the app is Gboard or google keyboard.Iam definitely sure that majority of the smartphone contain this app.But the fact is many people are not well aware with this app.

So today Iam going to introduce the awesome features and uses of this keyboard app.Like any other keyboard app this app also have emoji and hit with very fast and smooth typing.
The very important features of this keyboard are glide typing,voice typing,handwriting,emojis search,GIFs,multilingual typing and google translate.

Among this house typing feature will help you to make a fast typing by gliding your fingers from letter to another letter.You can write in cursive style and printed letters style by using this app.
And also this app also provide you the GIF and emoji features which will help you to share your feelings while chating.

You can also able to switch the keyboard into hundred variety languages.This keyboard also support google translate feature.So you can easily able to translate the words and sentences.
These are the features of this app.If you want to use the above mentioned features,i recommend you to install and use this app in your smartphone.


3D Photo Video Maker

Hi friends,today iam going to introduce a very awesome application.Simply we can able to say that this is a video making application.But you can’t able to consider this app as a normal video editing application.The name of the app is “filmize”.Noe you think that what is the speciality of this app.That is by using this app you can able to create 3D photos and videos.

This is the important feature of this app.You may see many video editing applications in playstore and in other websites.But like I said above,you can able to create attractive 3D photos and videos very easily within short period of time.

So by using this app you can able to create 3D videos for social media statuses.This app also support many templates.So you can able to select readymade templates to create 3D photos and videos.
You can able to make any kind if video according to your mood.After creating this app provide you a sharing platform and by using this you can able to share your video into youtube, whatsapp,instagram e.t.c.
For making your photos more attractive one,you can also able to give frame and many different types of effects to your photos.

The rendering time after edit the video is also very short.So if you want to make awesome 3D photos and videos,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.


multiple Whats app accounts on a single device

Hi guyz,today iam going to introduce multiple Whats app accounts on a single device.it is a very useful application for you.This app is related to whatsapp. That means if you use this app you can able to use some external whatsapp features.This appwill help you use multiple WA accounts on a single device.

The name of the app is “whats web”. When you see the name of this app you may confused that whatsapp web is a common feature.But using that whatsapp web app you can able to manage your whatsapp in your pc.But in the case of this app you can able to use that whatsapp been feature in your smartphone itself. That means you can able to use two different whatsapp accounts in a single smartphone itself. Iam definitely sure that this is a very useful feature.

multiple Whats app  accounts

The next feature is ” whats deleted “. By using this feature you can able to recover and see the deleted whatsapp messages in your smartphone. So you can able to see the messages deleted by your whatsapp contacts.multiple Whats app accounts on a single device
Next feature of this app id status saver.You may familiar with this feature. By using this feature you can able to download and share the whatsapp statuses very easily within a short period of time.

By using the whats cleaner feature you can able to clean the unwanted whatsapp messages like videos, images, gif, voice,documents e.t.c.
Direct chat is the next feature of this app.If you want to send a whatsapp message indirectly to anyone, this feature will help you.That means you can able to send whatsapp messages to anyone by just enter their whatsapp number and the message that you want to send to them. By unlocking the premium package of this app you can able to enjoy more useful features like remove ads e.t.c.

This app have majority features related to whatsapp and if you would like to use particular features in your smartphone,I recommend you to install this app in your smartphone.


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