Daily Archives: September 20, 2020

Self Destructing Text Messages

Hi guys,today iam going to introduce a very useful and surprising app for you. The name of the app is “ramnia”. You may not understand the features and details of this app while you see the name of this app.

Self Destructing Text Messages
Sometime you want to share some important files to someone and it should be very private and secret. For this purpose you can use this app.That means you can able to
Create a very secret file with the help of this app within seconds.
In this feature you can also able to include images,videos,files, documents e.t.c. That is the important feature of this app. But this app also provide some other secure and important features which will make the files more secure one.

Now i will describe more about this app and how to use it. First of all install this app in your smartphone. After that open it and you can able to see a new interface.

Atatch a file which you want to create. After that set a password for your file. This password will help to open the file. You can also able to set the destruction time. That means if you set six days as destruction time,the created file will be automatically delete after six days.
The messages and files are securely encrypted with military guide encryption ( AES-256 ) inside the app. So the files created through this app is highly encrypted.
If someone who need to open and download the file,they didn’t want to download the app.
So if you want to secure your file and send it anyone securely,install this app in your smartphone.

click here to install this app

Large File Cleaner App

All of you use different types of smartphones having different types of variants. If you use any old type of smartphones it have only a small processor and storage.So you can’t able to keep soman big files and games in it. And also due to that you can’t able to install your most favourite games in such type of smartphone. So you are not comfortable with such type of smartphones.

In some cases you may accidently keep many copies of a big file. And if you recognise it you can’t able to understand where where the file is exactly located and you can’t able to delete it. Likewise there are somany such files in your smartphone. If there are so many files like that your storage will be exceeded and there will be lag in your smartphone.
If you can able to find such type of duplicate files you can able to recognize and delete almost multiple files.

By using the “big file cleaner app” you can able to delete unnecessary big files including videos,audios,images e.t.c.
So if you want to delete unnecessary files in your smartphone to free up some storage,install this app in your android smartphone.

Large file cleaner Features

  • one click clean
  • fastest scanning speed
  • list big size files by type
  • list big size files by file directory
  • list big size files by extensions
  • list new big size files


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