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Monthly Archives: June 2020

How to make Bounce Boom Effect Intro In Kinemaster

Hi guys today iam present a intro like premier pro generated. Guys here iam sharing bounce boom effect logo intro using kine master. So first it’s need kinemaster apk to make it. And Some files like your page logo with png format and Background video etc..

How to make Bounce Boom Effect

Open kine master Add a background image it extend to 6sec. Add a background video use color option to adjust the color brightness to less. After duplicate the video cut the left side of duplicate video and adjust the color into current video..After add your channel logo into the video. Add animation in to the video and logo (pop) Animation..

Here first we add a image as background . And then add lyrics. It get from Google.
Add lyrics animation effect using description link. follow the video you got an idea about it. After Apply effects like this. And next we adding the moving particles effects . So add the particles effect through procedural section . Adjust the settings of particles like the video. And last step is beat bumb effect it get to the life on the image . Like cinematic….

click here download file

Kinemaster template image

Kinemaster template. Hi guys,today we are going to introduce an awesome application for you and also iam definitely sure that this is one of the best application that you ever seen. It is kinemaster template.It will provide you many outstanding features.

So let’s discuss more about this application. This app provide you many categories of templates like avee player,love template,sad template,janmashtami templates e.t.c.It also provide you two languages and they are Malayalam and English. This app also provide you green screen whatsapp status videos and many other templates.

Kinemaster template image

You will get new temples from trending feature of this application.
If you want to download any videos from this application,it can also be done within a short period of time. And also you can able to see your watch history and the downloaded videos in library feature.

It is very easy to use this application. So you can able to find your favorite videos and download it to put it as your status.
The next feature of this app is really a surprising one. That is,you can able to upload videos into this Kinemaster template application. So the users of this app can able to find your video to view and download it. If you want to see or download any videos,you can also able to request for it through this Kinemaster template application.

So these are the features of this application. If you are searching for above mentioned features,i recommend you to install this application.

download Kinemaster template file

how to make fake call

Hello guyz,today iam going to introduce an entirely different application for you.This is one of the best application that you ever seen and use.The feature of this application is really an awesome one.So iam sure that this application is an exact option for many smartphone users.

The name of this application is “phone Id faker”.I think you may understand the features of this app when you see the name of this application.You may see many such applications in playstore or in some websites.But this app is not like that.

fake call

This app provide you many outstanding features.
By using this application you can able to make real calls and fake calls with your fake voice.You can able to change the idle for make a call and they are off,male and female.

From this application you can able to select and provide any phone number.You can able to provide any number.It is not compulsory to select an exact phone number for make a fake call.
After that provide the receiver’s phone number and select the call icon to make a call to the particular people.After that you can able to select the idle like off,male and female.

You can use this application for call to a person with a fake Id.So the receiver can’t able to see your number and name.This is the important feature of this application.If you want to make a fake call very easily,install this application in your smartphone.


easy video editing application

easy video editing application.Hi guys,toady would like to introduce how to make a whats app status video using the kine master application.You may see many different types of whats app videos.Some videos are including songs with a outstanding background effect.You may see these types of videos in the social media applications like you tube,Facebook e.t.c.

While you see such type of videos,you never think about the method of making such videos using the kine master application.It is not a risky task.It is very easy to make such a status video using the kine master application.So toady we are going to introduce the steps to make such type of a whatsapp status video using kinemaster application.This is a very easy video editing application.If you follow the below instructions,you can also able to make such a video very easily in a little time.

easy video editing application

easy method to video editing

First of all install the kine master application in your smartphone. After that open the application and select appropriate ratio for the video. Next that select the video from your smartphone gallery and extend it’s duration and apply the pan and zoom option.
After that select the layer option and select media and choose black color and fill it completely on the screen. Then reduce the opacity. After this agin select the layer option and choose effect option to apply blurred effect to the video.
After these steps,select the three dote option to select duplicate option. And that and enable mask in cropping option and sect the shape option to select appropriate shape to add to the center of the video.

After that select the suitable template to the video from the media option in layer. After that you can also able to add any text to the video. There are so many video editing application. But iam definitely sure that this is one of the best and easy video editing application.
So these are the steps to make a status video using kine master application. Just follow the above steps to make such a video by using your smartphone




Hi guyz,today we are going to introduce an entirely different application.We introduced many different types of applications through this website. But this VIDEO RECOVER APPLICATION and it’s features are not like that. Iam definitely sure that this is one of the best app that you ever see and use in your smartphone.
The name of the application is “video recovery”.The function if this app is also like the name of the application.


Hi guyz,today we are going to introduce an entirely different application.We introduced many different types of applications through this website. But this VIDEO RECOVER APPLICATION and it’s features are not like that. Iam definitely sure that this is one of the best app that you ever see and use in your smartphone.
The name of the application is “video recovery”.The function if this app is also like the name of the application.

There are so many photos and videos in our smartphone.But we didn’t try to delete it. Because majority of such videos are our favorite one. So we can’t able to select some particular videos aming them to delete it. But once,you must want to delete some videos among it to free up some space. This application has a new technology that helps you with a single click to find and recover deleted videos very easily and quickly


After deleting some videos,sometimes you want to get it back for some particular purposes. But you can’t able to do anything to recover the deleted videos. But don’t worry.If you install this VIDEO RECOVER APPLICATION in your smartphone. You can able to recover the deleted videos very easily with the help of this application.
Iam definitely sure that you may not see this type of applications till now.

A latest data recovery app will see my videos and discover videos from all your phone storage talk delete looking for deleted videos and list recovery watch them in an easy 
Now I would like to describe the methods to use this application.
After install this application in your smartphone. Just open it and select the “restore deleted videos” option.At that time the recovering of the videos will be started.

After that the deleted videos will be appear in the screen. You can also able to view restored videos from “view restored videos” option. If you want to restore the deleted videos from your smartphone,i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.

Easy Password Recover

Password Recover Tips. All the smartphone users have at least a google account.Google account is essential for using the apps like playstore. youtube,google e.t.c.So you want to make a google account for all these purposes. It is a very easy task. Anyone who have a minimum knowledge of smartphone can able to make a google account within seconds. If you create a google account,you can able to use it for sign-up in many websites and applications.

You can able to make many emails in a single smartphone.The steps for making all these accounts is same.
If you created many google accounts in your smartphone,you may not use all such accounts. Because only a single account is essential for all the purposes related to the google account.

Password Recover


So if you didn’t use a google account for a long time,there is a chance to forget it’s password. But don’t worry.Today iam going to describe how to recover google password. Recovering google password is not a risky task.It is very easy.

So if you want to recover the google account’s password,first of all open the page of recovering google password. The link of the particular page is given below of this article.After that enter your email id there and choose “next” option. After that a new page will be open.If you remember your last password. Enter it there.If you didn’t remember it choose the
“forgot password” option.These are the first steps for recovering the google account’s password.

If you completed all these steps,a new page will open and choose “yes” from there and confirm that it’s you itself who try to recover the google password. At that time another page will be opened and select “yes” from there.If needed provide your mobile number there.

If you completed all these steps. You can able to see a new page there and you can able to create the new password for your google account from here.
These are the steps to recover google account’s password.If you didn’t know how to do it,follow the above mentioned steps


How to automatic scroll on android

Hello guys,today we are going to introduce a different type of application for you. This is really an amazing application that you ever seen. The awesome features of this application is really useful one for all smartphone users. The name of the app is “automatic scroll“.This application provide you automatic scroll on your android.
While you read news or other articles in your smartphone,you must want to scroll when one page is completed. Sometimes it will be a difficult task.

automatic scroll

If you want to copy the text from a site,you must want to scroll the page frequently. Due to that you may lose your concentration in the writing and it will affect the quality of your note. But don’t worry.This app will help you to solve all these problems. It is just a matter of time.For solving all these problems. You just want to install this application in your smartphone. This is a small size app.So majority of the smartphone users can able to install this app very easily.


Automatic scroll on mobile is a very useful feature. Automatic scrolling of pages or some application will really help you to simplify the usage of such applications. If you do a data entry work in ten min,you can able to do it in five minutes itself with the help of automatic scrolling feature of this application.

If you install this app,you can able to avoid the frequent scrolling. You may see many such applications in play store or in some websites.But this app is not like that. This app doesn’t have any complications while using.

Main Features Automatic scrolling

  • Automatic scrolling
  • Auto Scrolling Up and Down
  • Auto Scrolling Right and Left
  • Jumping to top or bottom
  • Scroll vertically and horizontally.
  • Select a scroll able area (when there is more than one on the screen).
  • Widget
  • Paging
  • Activation by shake
  • Per-App settings

Download automatic scroll app

First of all install automatic scroll app using the given link.After that open the app and provide necessary permissions. After that you can able to see a floating icon on your screen having so many options.
Automatic scroll on mobile is really a great feature and it will also act like an assistant while doing so many works on mobile phone. You can also using this feature of this application while reading stories and sppeches in your smartphone.

Select the “forward” option to scroll the page to upper side and “backward” option to scroll to downside. You can also able to hide the floating icon by selecting “minimize” icon. These are the most important features of this app. Anyway this is one of the best app which provide you these type of features.



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