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Daily Archives: April 6, 2020


TYPING SMOKE ANIMATION.We introduced many different types of applications through this website.But the application that we are going to introduce today is not like any other applications that you see and installed in your smartphone.If you install this application in your smartphone,iam sure that you will really get surprised.Because the outstanding and mind blowing features of this application will attract you very well.
I think that each and every smartphone user must install this application in their smartphone.Now let me introduce the name of the application.It is ‘FLUID’.This application is an extraordinary application.
In our life,we may face many problems and consequences and sometimes it make us depress and sad.But if we continue this situation for so many time,it may badly affect your life.
So if you face such a situation in your life or if you are facing such problems in your life now,this application is the exact choice to save you from the depress and problems and make your mind free and calm.
You can also consider this application as a gaming application.And the important thing about this application is,it is not for some special category of people like children,adults e.t.c.Each and everyone can use this application and they can also able to enjoy this application very well.


When you use some applications,you can’t able to use it properly due to the continues ads.But don’t worry.This application didn’t contain any types of ads and due to this you can able to use this application very well.

Now I will describe about this application.After install and open this application,you will really get surprised.Because if you touch on the screen after open this application some changes will occurred on your screen and it will be a mind blowing one.Iam sure that you will feel this method as a majic.
This application simulates the states like solid,liquid and gas and it is a simulation of life of fluid.The swirls and it’s flow appear when you touch on your screen will really make you relax.So we can say that this TYPING SMOKE ANIMATION application also contain a psychological part.I f you enjoy the features of this application you can also make it as your wallpaper.
Anyway these are the features of this application.If you want to avoid your stress and depression, i recommend you to install this application in your smartphone.

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